Keyword Golden Ratio Method: have you heard about this method? Would you like to know what it is and how does it work? It is the subject of this article.
The “Keyword Golden Ratio” is a system created by Doug Cunnington. This method gives you a systematic way to do keywords research to find the one keyword or a long tail keyword or phrase so that you can rank your article higher and in a short time.
The keyword golden ration is accomplished or found once you have the following result: KGR (short for keyword golden ratio) = (allintitle results) divided by (search volume)= <0.25
Let’s see how this work and all sides of this method.
The “Keyword Golden Ratio” method is created to find low competitive keywords for which you can rank faster. There are rules to follow to make this method effective.
- The ration between the “All in Title” search results and the monthly searches needs to be within 0.25.
- You are looking for keywords with traffic below 250 monthly searches.
Therefore: Allintitle search / (Divided)search volume= <0.25
This is the formula.
Let’s explain it:
- We need to find keywords that have below 250 monthly searches.
Let’s take this keyphrase example “weak hip flexors symptoms.” I have found this keyphrase previously.
As you can see the monthly search volume is below 250:
This phrase has a monthly search volume of 170.
As the next step, we need to use the Google operator function to find out which other sites have this keyword or keyphrase in their title.
What is the Google search operator? They are commands that you put into the Google search bar, to tell Google you want to find specific things.
In this case, if we put “allintitle” (All in Title – all together), it tells Google that you want to find all the articles that have that specific phrase in their title.
When you put in the search bar “allintitle:weak hip flexors symptoms”, Google is listing all the articles with that keyphrase in the title, as well as how many results.
There are 16 search results, meaning 16 articles in which this keyphrase appears.
Therefore now we can see if the ration between search volume and “allintitle” results are below 0.25:
We have to do the following:
KGR (short for Keyword Golden Ratio) = (allintitle results) divided by (search volume) should be less then 0.25.
Allintitle search: (16) /Search volume for keyphrase: 170 = 0.09
In this case we are well below 0.25. We have found a “keyword golden ratio” keyphrase.
The way to this requires a bit of time and patience because you have to calculate each time the ratio and the search volume.
Let’ do a practical example, let’s imagine that we are in the travel niche and we want to create a list of KGR phrases to write articles on.
We have to use a keyword tool; I am using Ubersuggest for this example; you can also use other means, for instance, Long Tail Pro.
Let’s search for ideas, let type for example “travel tips”:
It doesn’t seem extremely competitive, let’s find all related keywords and let’s see the one below 250, we need to scroll down to find suggestions:
Great there are 359 keywords ideas, I can scroll down to see the one with less then 250 monthly search volumes or I can use the filters. All tools you may be using have filters for sure.
There we go, now we start to see the search volume we are looking for. Now you have to check/search the Google operator for the “allintitle.” For example, let’s try “travel tips, Singapore.” It has a search volume of 210, search difficulty (SD) of 15, thus low.
There 13.500 results. If we do the calculation: 13500/210 we have 64.28, this is way off.
You have to continue this way until you find the “Golden Ratio”.
The creator of this system created an electronic spreadsheet that can help ease the tediousness of this process.
The theory behind this method is to find low competition keywords with little traffic; this method allows for faster ranking results, especially for new sites.
Those keywords have little competition since you have to stay in that ratio. Therefore if you write a great piece of content, you are likely to get to the top of search results faster.
Many bloggers have used this method with success, and it may work in most cases. If someone is new to writing and has a new website, it would be wise to follow such a method.
However, it is not a 100% guaranteed method since we depend on Google to get traffic. Additionally, there are weak points to examine.
As in any profession, one has to use some common sense, in fact, there are good things we can take away from this excellent method, at the same time let’s examine the weak points:
The monthly traffic displayed by each search tool, including Google-related tools, are not precise. In other words, nobody knows what the actual traffic for a specific word is.
Some people have written articles on keywords with ZERO monthly search results by research tools, who have gotten thousands of visits to such articles.
The volume of traffic may be too low; those phrases or terms may not have a significant amount of traffic. In any case, no one would know until the article is written since we are not sure of the accuracy of the keywords research tools.
In other words, we do not know until we try, even though we can follow some guidelines and see how it goes, and correct things as we go.
Since we are dealing with little traffic search, less then 250, we may need to write over 100 or 200 articles to get some good traffic.
However, once a website has taken some traction and start receiving traffic, one can also decide to shoot for some more competitive words. Just realize that this can be the case.
First of all, I heard about this method only one year after I was into blogging, I found this a bit weird because I expected such a technique to be used and mentioned much more.
But then I realized that this method requires a lot of work in terms of writing and that one still has to try it out and adjusted it to the related niche.
There isn’t a sure method to rank an article, but with commons sense and duplicating a series of guidelines that were demonstrated successful, one can get there.
Using this method, opened the door to small wins and getting some traffic and tractions to some of my websites. A beginner can start using it and adjust on the go.
- What Keywords Research Tools I Can Use?
Pretty much any tool that let you see search traffic volume, suggest you variations of key words, especially Long Tail Key words.
I can tell you the one I use, mainly because they let me see volume, competition and suggest all variation of key words possible. But also the reasonable price.
It suggest keywords ideas and let you see the competion.
This is another great tool, it can be used for free for a limited search, but as a paid tool the price is also one of the lowest.
There are many tools out there, choose the best for you.
- Are there variations to the the keyword golden ratio?
There is a variation of this rule, called the KGR rule of 63. Meaning you can use higher volume searches for any keyword, which has an Allintitle less the 63.
Using this rule, you can go ahead and target words with a higher search volume like 1000 or 2000 per month. It is another method that can bring great results.
- What would be the main use of keyword golden ratio?
The keyword golden ratio method is particularly useful for people who are trying to build a niche site since you are targeting long-tail keywords with low competition. It is instrumental in finding articles ideas for niche sites.
The Keyword Golden Ratio Method can be a useful technique; try it, test it, and see what works and what doesn’t.
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Mate I think 40% Keywords only Ranking on Search engine s. Because I am using this Technique from long time but this Technique not working 100%. We Need to see the nature of Keyword as well I am describing on my article.
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